About me


I am a Ph.D. student at the Intelligent Network Center Laboratory(INC), part of the School of Computer Science and Technology at Fudan University. My research focuses on Satellite-Air-Ground Integrated Network(SAGIN), path computation, and simulator development. (Email: qizhang23@m.fudan.edu.cn)


  • Fudan University, September 2023 ~ Now
    • Ph.D student in Electronic Information
    • School of Computer Science Technology
  • Soochow University, September 2020 ~ July 2023
    • M.S. in Computer Science and Technology
    • School of Computer Science and Technology
  • Henan University, September 2016 ~ July 2020
    • B.S. in Software Engineering
    • School of Software


Recent papers

  • Our recent paper about SAGIN emulation was accepted by IEEE JCIN.

A list can be found here.